5 Day Diet combo

5 Day Diet Combo

5 Day Diet Combo

£185.31 | Members save 20% Become a member of the Holford Health Club and save 20% on Patrick Holford supplements today!

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In stock

£185.31 | Members save 20% Become a member of the Holford Health Club and save 20% on Patrick Holford supplements today!

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Save 10% off Supplement RRP (£205.90) when purchased as this Programme and you already have the book The 5 Day Diet. All the supplements to follow the diet, so you can get started immediately or top up when doing the diet multiple times.

Get Up & Go

A nutritious breakfast shake powder. Contains over 20 nutrients: vitamins, minerals, essential fats, protein & fibre. Only 4GL - ideal for weight-loss.

584 in stock


A pure form of C8 oil to make ketones and the most effective MCT oil as it makes ketones faster than any other oil.

Please be advised delivery is to mainland UK only. 

288 in stock

GL Support

Supports weight management. Contains Garcinia Cambogia, a natural source of HCA, combined with chromium for the maintenance of normal blood glucose levels and carnitine which turns fat into ketones

968 in stock

Carboslow® Powder

Glucomannan from the root vegetable Konjac. A super-soluble fibre which fills the stomach to give a feeling of fullness. Ideal for any weight-loss programme.

53 in stock

ImmuneC® High Strength Powder

This potent sugar-free, PH balanced Vitamin C powder supports the immune system and is ideal for taking on first signs of a virus. The powder can be diluted in water which gives flexibility on amount.

410 in stock

Optimum Nutrition Pack

The pack contains Optimum Nutrition Formula, ImmuneC, Essential Omegas.


353 in stock

AGE Antioxidant

To help protect from oxidative stress. Contains Vitamins C & E, Selenium, CoQ10, resveratrol, glutathione and alpha lipoic acid. Perfect for age 50+.

211 in stock

53 in stock

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This combo provides all the supplements for the diet.

The diet has been devised to help you improve your health, gain energy and transform your life in just 5 days – by kickstarting and maintaining ketosis (using ketones for energy rather than glucose). Recent cutting-edge research has established that being in ketosis switches on autophagy – a cellular clean up – which is the hottest new health development. The diet also supports healthy weight-loss.

One way to get into ketosis is by fasting. The trouble is – only the brave are willing to do it!

A more comfortable alternative is the 5 Day Diet which has been carefully designed by pioneer nutritionist Patrick Holford and consists of five consecutive days of recipes providing fewer calories, with not too much protein or carb – supported by the supplements in this combo – all specifically designed to trigger autophagy, and give you the benefit of fasting without the hunger.

The keto phase of the diet is followed by the Low GL maintenance diet with a recommendation to do the 5 day keto diet once a month or once a quarter depending on health status.

The diet is recommended to be done every month or every quarter. The Combo will last for three months (if the diet is done once a month) or 9 months (if done once a quarter) and some of the supplements will last far more cycles/can be used in the Low GL phase.  You can ‘top up’ supplements individually (see individual products on this website).

The 5-Day Diet Combo provides all the supporting nutrients needed to ensure maximum effectiveness of the programme:

1 x  Hybrid Pack

1 x  Ketofast

1 x GL Support

1 x Get Up & Go

1 x Carboslow Powder

1 x ImmuneC High Strength Powder

See individual products.

“I feel great, less stressed and able to handle everything”.
Kirsty D

I lost over 11lbs in a week. I can see my ankles again and my rings can swivel on my finger. But also I found myself with better energy and levels of happiness – bouncing about more!
Joanne M

I found the diet easy. I liked it. I didn’t feel hungry. It’s a pretty straightforward diet to do. I could easily have stayed on it for longer. It did give me more energy and I lost weight…more weight in 7 days than I did on a 21 day programme at a renowned London clinic.
Charles E

“I am loving the meals. Please do this monthly. It’s so easy and the recipes are yummy. Thank you.”
Moyra B

“ I am feeling good, love that coffee in the morning. I haven’t had any cravings – sugar or alcohol. So that is great…Food is yummy…Loving the soups”.
Cheryl H

“What’s great about the 5 day diet, is not only the weight loss and how great you feel both during and after the five days, but it’s really easy to repeat every month or two if you have more weight to lose.”
Lynne K

“I lost 6lb and I’ve maintained the loss after. I’ve also noticed a real differenence in my energy levels. I’ve been up really early and get up with my regime of HITT exercises.”
Caroline M

"My 5 Day Diet supports both cellular health and weight-loss. This combo gives you all the supplements you need to do the diet."

Patrick Holford

"My 5 Day Diet supports both cellular health and weight-loss. This combo gives you all the supplements you need to do the diet."

Patrick Holford