Burn Fat Fast

Burn Fat Fast
The Burn Fat Fast Programme combines an alternate-day low-GL diet and a fat burning exercise workout by Kate Staples to help you lose fat fast, without going hungry or compromising your health.
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Patrick Holford outlines how, by combining elements of alternate-day fasting with a low glycaemic-load (GL) diet, you can lose fat fast without going hungry or compromising your health. For those new to the low-GL diet, it is a way to keep your blood sugar even. Why do this? Because if your blood sugar level resembles a rollercoaster ride you’ll have a lot of insulin in your system – and insulin is the fat-storing hormone.
If you need any more encouragement consider this; as well as encouraging the storage of fat, insulin promotes disease and ageing. So by combining a low-GL diet with alternate-day fasting you will not only lose fat fast, but also improve your health and longevity.
- Simple, easy-to-follow guidelines on how the diet works
- What to eat and what to avoid on both phases of the diet
- Guidance on fitting the diet into your lifestyle
- A short, highly effective fat-burning exercise routine developed by former Gladiator and Olympic athlete Kate Staples