New Look

Same Trusted Supplements

  • Optimal Levels Working in Synergy
  • Unparalleled , comprehensive nutritional support
  • A long-term health investment

We’re thrilled to unveil our new look supplements:

Say hello to sleek jars and a fresh label design! Our new glass jars and lids are easily recyclable in household recycling.

The new label design has a simple, clean and crisp aesthetic that embodies the essence of natural medicine. Alongside this change comes a new HOLFORD logo.

You’ll find a new palette of vibrant colours, with a splash of bright blue, red, purple and green – they’re a celebration of life and vitality along with the meaningful symbols accompanying each range.

Holford comments: “I love the new look of my supplements! It’s 20 years since these products first came into existence – the fundamental principles of optimum nutrition remain the same for all. I take them every day.”

The new branding will be rolling out across the range through 2024.


BLUE the colour of the Essentials range, is a circle representing ‘completeness’. If your mind and body and metabolism are in perfect balance, this is all you need to be completely nourished.


RED is the colour for the ‘fire’ element and that is what metabolism is – the burning of fuel for energy within the cells’ mitochondria (the energy factories).

When your metabolism is out of balance, you store energy as fat, rather than burning it. So anything in the RED range helps support healthy metabolism and blood sugar control.


VIOLET is the colour for ‘spirit’ or the space in which we experience everything. The triangle is facing up into space.


This is the range of nutrients that support the way you see and feel things – your mind and mood.


GREEN is the colour of the ‘earth’ element. Our body is from the earth. The triangle is facing down into the earth.

This is the range of nutrients that helps restore aspects of your physical health back to full function.